











year: 2019
place: filenosia - an island in the pacific ocean (the rest of the world still exists)

thousands of years ago filenosia was called southern cross and was home to waives, ancient people who came from the inside of the eartha waiven priest called myn was enlightened and decided that humans mustn't know about the Secret or what comes after death bc they will fuck everything up with that knowledgethey created unnr, a race/organization/cult that has to protect the secret. basically they kill people who contact the dead or appear to be close to the secret in any way. they also believe the children of these ~sinners~ should be eliminatedsome waives decided it's wrong to do that so they actively try to stop unnr from killing humans. these are called children of ulustrikyo and nowadays they are mostly human orphans, but their blood is alteredunnrians consist of niteols, sicarians and achenesniteols descended directly from waives and they organize everything/issue orders/monitor both humans and other unnrianssicarians are created from the matter and when they turn 15 (their birthday is called egression) they start killing humans, but only once a yearachenes act as parent figures for sicarians until the egression. they are either waive descendants or humans that were forced to join (usually children of sinners)the secret that unnr is protecting is actually legit; it's the existence of closeum in the middle of the earth and that's where people's minds go when they die .... but more complex than it soundsthere are many more details but this is the basics i guess!! if you're interested there is a more detailed pdf i can send you

Astrid Bjornsen

age: 15
humangets very emotional but tries to keep it to herselfcan act like a spoiled child but. that's bc she's genuinely lost and cluelessher parents were killed by unnrians [in norway] and she ran away to nery/filenosia to look for her uncle, but then she finds out he is also dead mathias helps her when unnrians go after her so she starts hiding at his placeshe has a younger brother but unnrians are keeping himshe lost her left eye by a deer a few yrs ago
[other info]
infj / aquariusovereats when stressedloves plants and nature

Mathias Fiedler

age: 22
intp / capricorn[??human??]socially clueless, can sound harsh at timeslives alone in nery (mandwain street) until astrid starts hiding at his placehis parents kicked him out when he was 18 [in germany] so he moved to filenosia with a friend who later died in a car crashhis whole backstory is a big spoiler and i won't drop it publicly yet but feel free to ask he's a daltonist / sees in black and white but he doesn't know what's behind it (yet)basically a neet but repairs computers sometimesminds his business but has ~unexplained~ tendencies to help people

Eva Nikolaeva Petrova

age: 21
(very) humanesfj / piscesextremely friendly and warm with people, cares about everyone a lot works as a cashier in a supermarket in neryshe knows mathias from the supermarket but only gets to actually know him after she witnesses him and astrid fight with sicarians, and she soon becomes friends with them bothmoved to filenosia from bulgaria with her dad after her mom died (he lives in a different city now (waivence) with his new family)likes swimming / the oceanvery organized, healthy life etc

Seung Kim

age: 24
humanisfp / taurusa photographer / journalist from south korea travelling southeast asia, ended up living in nery for a few yearsfriends with jacques - often hangs out in the library where he worksstarts suspecting there is something weird about the island after spotting the name 'southern cross' and other symbols everywhere & having a close encounter with helvery curious and pays a lot of attention to her surroundingsunnr targets her because she keeps snooping aroundcalm and collected

Hel Ek

age: 20
entp / geminisicarian [unnrian]bad-tempered, easily annoyed, doesn't really respect authorityisn't very fond of killing humans but accepts it as something she was created to do (for now)starts being suspicious of unnr after some things happen, leaves nery at some point but is brought back by adamquite capable; only failed on her very first egression, when jacques stopped her from killing [astrid's uncle] and wounded her...she hates jacques because of thatenjoys music since the only device she was ever allowed to keep was a cd playerlives alone

Jacques Dellacroix

age: 28
isfj / virgochild of ulustrikyoborn as a human, but he lost his parents when he was 4 or sth (it was an accident) so children of ulustrikyo made him one of themgenerally a very calm and reasonable person, but he has never really questioned if COU are right in what they dotakes his duty very seriouslyadmires hel for her spirit even though they are enemiesvery interested in history, wants to know more about unnr/cou [the fact that they both descended from waives is NOT known in modern age, it's all mystery for now]has two COU roommates, thomas and justinenot interested in any kind of romance

Ithel Maddox

age: 20
infp / cancerformer sicarian [unnrian]his achene used to be a human, so it might have been the reason he ended up with ~human morality~ and inner valueshe was never able to kill anyone even though he was supposed to, so some other sicarians beat him up on a few occasions was bullied to the point where he ended up killing [a human], but it was against the rules since it wasn't his egression day, so he couldn't be a sicarian anymore and now he's just a servanthates his life and hates sicarianshelped astrid at some point[for connection with adam see adam's page]


age: 25
intj / scorpioniteol [unnrian]completely loyal to unnreven though most niteols don't really interact with people, he does & uses it to find out things about humansbelieves that there really is a Secret but doesn't actively try to search for it always wears gloves bc his hands got ruined by rotten matter a few yrs ago (when he briefly met ithel) and he's been overly serious and unemotional ever sincewhen ithel runs away, he gets him back, but won't kill him since that would be ~a waste of matter~ so he just keeps him near, but they end up developing feelings for each other - adam is the only unnrian who's ever been (arguably) nice to ithel, and ithel represents something humane and real to himplays in a band called isskon